Calyx Press has published some of the best women authors i have had the pleasure of reading. Tonight, they had a little birthday party at Powell's, celebrating 32 years putting out great authors and poets. I had a tough door-closed-at-the-office kind of day and was so happy to be in the company of creativity. The reading was all poetry and Willa Schneberg and Pam Crow were stand outs of the evening. Schneberg read a summer poem by a recently deceased poet, Sarah Lantz, that was so remarkable and fixed up what ever was ailing me. i wish I could find it someplace on line but i can't. it was about making plum jam and unexpectedly moving. 78 year old Ursula K. LeGuin was the grand dame of the event. She's most famous for her science fiction but does poetry too.
post script: How much do I love having a blog? Willa Schneberg got in touch through the comments and says that i got it wrong. The perils of not paying attention. She wrote Italian Plums. And read it so beautifully.
Woah. Jealous.
Hi Tex,
I actually wrote "Italian Plums," not Sarah Lantz. You can find it in Calyx Journal, Winter 2008. If you send me your email, I'll be happy to email it to you.
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