Sunday, July 27, 2008

PDX Pop Now

There's a really great FREE music festival going on this weekend down in SE. I went by this evening and saw two great acts. Reporter was a straight ahead pop rock combo with bi-gendered vocals. The lead singer/bass player was a very good musician. Next, I saw Blind Pilot. WHhhhooaa! I have never heard of them in my entire life until tonight and they stood my hair on end.

There's this weird thing that happens to me involving the centrifugal force of rock bands. if they are from far away, I pay attention. If they are at my doorstep, i pay no mind. i have to fix that! Speaking of musicians, i met a guy last night in the the grocery story line and he had a giant wood saw and a bow for a violin, both carried in his back pack, and sorta sticking out, hence the conversation. I wondered if he gets hassled, carrying around a wood saw everywhere in his bag. We didn't discuss it. Instead, we talked about the wonders of saw playing and about his giant sandwich. it was like four times the size of a sandwich a normal person would eat, even if they were hungry.

Blind Pilot - Oviedo

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