Thursday, June 25, 2009

Limiting the State

Maybe it is still sort of a free country. A little bit. The Supreme Court just ruled 8 to 1 that a school in Arizona violated a 13 y.o. girl's rights when it stripped searched her looking for ibuprofen. Gaw! I remember hearing about this case when it was originally argued and feeling queasy about the state of civil liberties. I am glad Redding won, and by a healthy margin. Guess which justice voted that the strip search was fine? Clarence Thomas. What is it about conservatives and authoritarianism? They claim to loathe big government but love a big truncheon. From his dissent:

By declaring the search unreasonable in this case, the majority has “‘surrender[ed] control of the American public school system to public school students’” by invalidating school policies that treat all drugs equally and by second-guessing swift disciplinary decisions made by school officials.

Read the full opinion here.

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