Sunday, June 8, 2008

Suck City

Went down to the Clackamas River Sunday afternoon for a little trout fishing. Didn't catch anything. Once again, my fishing expedition became a bird watching event. Saw a really good osprey. Walked around in the river in waders, a beautiful day UNTIL.... OH! UNTIL... we got back to the car. Some bastards broke into the vehicle somehow and stole my bag out of the trunk, and my friend's phone. And my bag had everything in it (on account of not wanting to drop it in the river). Wallet, phone, ipod, etc. By pure luck I had my house keys in my pocket, but everything else was gone. By the time we drove back to my friend's house to use the phone to cancel the cards, the thieves had gone shopping at Best Buy, Target, 7-11, Home Depot, etc etc. Professional sons of bitches. So now, AGAIN, I don't have your number anymore. Or an ipod to keep me company. Or anything besides the $40 that my friends lent me. the rabbit is in ohio for the week. sons of bitches.


SharonEKim said...

That is the shittiest thing ever. I'm sorry love. :(

katekatenegotiate said...

that sucks. sorry tex.