Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vaux Swifts

Tonight i went to see the vaux swifts go inside a chimney at an elementary school in my neighborhood. Hundreds of people come together at dusk in August and September to watch this natural phenomenon. From what I gathered from my work friend Maia, these vaux swifts are pre-migratory, in that they assemble in this chimney and sleep all packed up like bats for a few months and then all migrate south as one at the end of September. We snacked on nuts and dried fruit and watched thousands of little birds circle and circle the chimney in ever shortening orbits until they were all nestled in for bed.

Music for you: Tenement Halls - When the Swifts Come Home


Jen said...

so. effing. jealous.

(also, i just got your vm yesterday so, right back atcha.)

Chum said...

Glad you like my drawing! Reminds me to get back to the school and check them out again...

Rick Albano